Untitled (May 2024)

Untitled (May 2024)

"Toil glamour" (VI)

"Toil glamour" (VI)

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) III

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) III



Time (I)

Time (I)

Time (II)

Time (II)

Self I

Self I

Self III

Self III

Self II

Self II

“My only option was fidelity to my own sensibility” (Toni Morrison)

“My only option was fidelity to my own sensibility” (Toni Morrison)

Absurdity I

Absurdity I

Absurdity II

Absurdity II

The shape of grief and love

The shape of grief and love

How we gather ourselves together (I)

How we gather ourselves together (I)

How we gather ourselves together (IV)

How we gather ourselves together (IV)

In spite of (III)

In spite of (III)

In spite of (I)

In spite of (I)

How we gather ourselves together (II)

How we gather ourselves together (II)

How we gather ourselves together (III)

How we gather ourselves together (III)

Uncertainty/Possibility (I)

Uncertainty/Possibility (I)

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) I

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) I

Uncertainty/Possibility (II)

Uncertainty/Possibility (II)

Uncertainty/Possibility (IV)

Uncertainty/Possibility (IV)

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) II

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) II

Resistance and Repair (I)

Resistance and Repair (I)

Resistance and Repair (II)

Resistance and Repair (II)

Imposter (I)

Imposter (I)

Solastalgia (I)

Solastalgia (I)

"Toil glamour" (I)

"Toil glamour" (I)

"Toil glamour" (II)

"Toil glamour" (II)

Definition (I)

Definition (I)

Memory IV

Memory IV

Memory V

Memory V

Pause I

Pause I

In spite of (IV)

In spite of (IV)

Pause II

Pause II

“She is roaming a world of balloons, armed with a pin” (Maggie Nelson)

“She is roaming a world of balloons, armed with a pin” (Maggie Nelson)

Narrative I

Narrative I

Narrative II

Narrative II

Self IV

Self IV

Script I

Script I

Script III

Script III

"If your nerve deny you..." (Emily Dickinson)

"If your nerve deny you..." (Emily Dickinson)

"Still I Rise" (Maya Angelou) I

"Still I Rise" (Maya Angelou) I

"Still I Rise" (Maya Angelou) III

"Still I Rise" (Maya Angelou) III

"I took up the inkpot..." (Virginia Woolf)

"I took up the inkpot..." (Virginia Woolf)

“Behind the cotton wool is hidden a pattern…" (Virginia Woolf)

“Behind the cotton wool is hidden a pattern…" (Virginia Woolf)

“Behind the cotton wool is hidden a pattern…" (Virginia Woolf) II

“Behind the cotton wool is hidden a pattern…" (Virginia Woolf) II

"No feeling is final" (Rilke)

"No feeling is final" (Rilke)

Needs Watering

Needs Watering

“People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness" (Soren Kierkegaard)

“People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness" (Soren Kierkegaard)

"Another world is not only possible..." (Arundhati Roy)

"Another world is not only possible..." (Arundhati Roy)

First of all (I)

First of all (I)

"Toil glamour" (V)

"Toil glamour" (V)

First of all (II)

First of all (II)



“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) IV

“I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself...” (Walt Whitman) IV