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“Another world is not only possible, she’s on her way. Maybe many of us won’t be here to greet her, but on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing” (Arundhati Roy, in a 2002 article). Arundhati Roy’s fire and honesty in her writings is remarkable. Coming from a person who has chosen to take on massive battles, often at great personal cost, for the sake of the public, I find this sentiment so poignant - that she writes with so much hope, hope based on actions like hers. This piece is a reflection of that change one wishes for in a terrifying world, perhaps even tumult and transformation in the short-term, and the hope one conjures up into existence, despite the despair, for a better future.
36h x 36w x 1.5d (inches); wax, ink, acrylic on wood-backed canvas